Select Lifestyles

Tarenbir’s Success Story

Just before the summer of 2022, Tarenbir relocated to one of our shared house services, St Marks in Wolverhampton. From the outset, the local authorities were pleased with his smooth transition from his previous care setting to Select Lifestyles. (Read more: Tarenbir Moves In)

Over a year later, one of Tarenbir’s dedicated external healthcare professionals visited him to assess his progress. She remarked, “It was an absolute pleasure to visit St Marks. The home was welcoming as always, and the atmosphere was fabulous. Everyone was so engaged, and even Tarenbir, whom I have only seen engrossed in sensory activities before—I’ve known Tarenbir since school—was actively participating.” (Read more: St Marks Testimonial)

Today, St Marks Scheme Manager – Gemma Roberts expresses her immense pride in Tarenbir and the remarkable progress he has made since joining us. Gemma says, “It has been a rollercoaster of emotions with Tarenbir. He has overcome many obstacles, but through hard work and dedication, Tarenbir is now medication-free and making progress beyond all expectations. The professionals involved with Tarenbir cannot believe the transformation in him. Well done, Tarenbir.”

If you would like advice on the ways we can offer you support, please call our friendly referrals team on 0330 333 7484 or email